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27 Mar 2024

Snapper Ceviche with Corn and Lime Infusion

Amelia Island Stand: B3


This ceviche uses fresh, local snapper and ingredients that reflect southern Florida's Hispanic connections and the abundance fresh corn in the US. The result is a mouthwatering and refreshing summer dish.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 14 oz fresh snapper fillets 
  • 2 whole corn ears 
  • 1 cup water
  • salt
  • ¼ bunch coriander
  • ¼ red onion
  • 1 jalapeño
  • 4 limes
  • 2 jalapeño
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • ½ red pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil 
  • citrus salt
  • espelette pepper or fine red chilli powder 

Clean the snapper fillets from the bloodline. Slice them into quarters or thinner. Reserve odd scraps for the corn water (below). Set aside in the fridge. 

Remove the corn kernels. Reserve ½ cup of corn for garnish. Boil the rest of the corn in salted water. Cool in the water to allow the flavour to infuse. Once cool, strain and reserve the corn water.

To the corn water, add chopped coriander, sliced red onion, two slices of jalapeno with seeds, the juice of three limes and any leftover scraps of snapper. Refrigerate for at least one hour to build flavour.

With a hand blender, puree the avocado with the juice of the fourth lime and a little salt, until smooth.

Remove the seeds from the second jalapeño and red bell pepper. Slice into one-inch slices. 

Char the ½ cup of corn with a torch, or quickly sauté at a high heat.

To serve, strain the refrigerated corn and lime infusion through a fine mesh sieve. Season with salt to taste. 

Place the snapper slices on the plate and season with citrus salt. Add a dollop of the avocado puree, and a slice of jalapeño and red pepper, to each slice.

Sprinkle the charred corn over the plate. Pour over the corn and lime infusion. To finish, drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil, espelette and citrus salt.


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