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04 Mar 2025

Q&A: Asma Khan on cooking’s ability to nourish, connect and heal

Q&A: Asma Khan on cooking’s ability to nourish, connect and heal

Q&A with Asma Khan:

Q: How did it all begin for you? What inspired you to pursue this career?  
I never trained as a chef, and I never imagined I would one day be running a restaurant. My journey began in my house in London, where I started a supper club to recreate the food of my childhood. Cooking was never just about feeding people — it was about connection, nostalgia and sharing stories. The supper club grew, and in time, it evolved into Darjeeling Express. But the heart of it has always remained the same: the warmth of home-cooked food and the power of solidarity. 


Q: Are there any pivotal stories or moments that influenced your connection to food? 
Food was always about love in my home. Watching my mother cook, I saw how food could bring people together, how a meal wasn’t just nourishment but an act of care. When I moved to the UK, I felt the ache of missing home, and that’s when I started cooking. The moment I made my first meal from memory, rather than from a recipe, was when I realised that my mother’s legacy lived in me. I cook to nourish the roots I left behind in India. 


Q: How did you evolve professionally to where you are today? 
At first, I was just cooking to heal my own longing for home. Then I realised that this food — my heritage, my story — resonated with so many people. I never set out to be a business owner or a writer, but storytelling has always been a part of me. My books, my restaurant, my advocacy for women in hospitality — all of it is about giving voice to those who are often unheard. 


Q: What excites you most about participating in this year’s National Geographic Traveller (UK) Food Festival? 
The opportunity to visit the stalls, which are very varied, and I always discover new ingredients and cuisines at the event. 


Q: What inspired you to take part again? 
The response of the audience at my last demo was so wonderful — they were so focused and paid attention to what I was saying, and I was able to personally meet a lot of them at the book signing.  


Q: What can visitors expect? 
I will be cooking from my new book Monsoon. And I will teach techniques that are not just limited to that recipe, but can also be used to elevate your cooking with other cuisines, too. 


Don’t miss Asma Khan and more top chefs at the National Geographic Traveller (UK) Food Festival at London’s Business Design Centre, on Saturday 19 July. Save 40% today — tickets are just £15 until 17 March!  


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