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08 Jun 2023

Nikita Pathakji’s cod with wasabi and pea puree, nori, crisps and kombu and wine sauce

Nikita Pathakji’s cod with wasabi and pea puree, nori, crisps and kombu and wine sauce

Takes: 1.5 hours 
Serves: 4 


For the cod 
35g salt 
20g kombu 
4 portions of cod, approx 100-150g each 
oil, for frying
2 tbsp butter  
1 lemon 

For the pea and wasabi puree 
1 shallot, finely diced
oil, for frying
500g peas 
250g milk 
wasabi (preferably fresh, but paste will do), to taste

For the sauce 
cod bones  
50g kombu 
2 shallots  
100g butter 
200ml white wine  
200ml cream 

For the nori 
100g water 
100g sugar 
2 sheets of nori

To garnish
pea shoots 
wasabi flowers 


  1. For the cod, make a brine by heating 500ml water and adding the salt and kombu. Leave to infuse and chill. Meanwhile, remove the skin from the cod.
  2. Put the cod in the chilled brine for 20mins, then dry well. Heat a splash of oil in a non-stick frying pan, place the cod in the pan and colour on one side. Once golden, lower the heat and add the butter, then turn the fish and baste until cooked. Finish with the lemon juice, then set aside.
  3. For the pea and wasabi puree, sweat the shallots in oil until soft. Add the milk and bring to the boil, then add the peas and cook for 2 mins. Strain and blend the peas, adding enough milk to make a smooth puree. Season with the wasabi and a little salt, pass through a chinois and set aside.
  4. For the sauce, cover the cod bones and kombu with water and simmer for 30 mins, skimming as necessary, to make a stock. Strain and set aside. 
  5. Sweat the shallots in half the butter until soft, then add the wine and reduce. Add the stock and cream and season with a little salt, then hand-blend with the remaining butter until lightly frothy. Set aside.
  6. Heat oven to 160C, fan 140C, gas 3. For the nori, combine 100ml water with the sugar and gently heat to make a simple syrup. Brush one sheet of nori with the syrup and season with salt. Lay another sheet on top and brush lightly with the syrup. Set on a tray and put another tray on top. Bake for 6-8 mins until crisp, then break into shards and set aside.
  7. To serve, spoon the pea and wasabi puree into a bowl and place the pea shoots around the edge. Top the puree with the cooked fish. Scatter the wasabi flowers and nori crisp shards around the fish. Hand-blend the sauce until foamy, then spoon over the fish.

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